
Welcome to the section for our suppliers! As part of our high quality and technology services and processes, it is important to maintain clear and direct communication with our suppliers. In this section you will find the guidelines, guides and codes necessary to comply with the operating requirements in addition to strengthening our business relationships through communication and group values. In order to establish a business relationship with Bocar Group companies it is necessary to read, know and understand the requirements that you must comply.


Welcome to the section for our suppliers! As part of our high quality and technology services and processes, it is important to maintain clear and direct communication with our suppliers. In this section you will find the guidelines, guides and codes necessary to comply with the operating requirements in addition to strengthening our business relationships through communication and group values. In order to establish a business relationship with Bocar Group companies it is necessary to read, know and understand the requirements that you must comply.

Supplier Directory


Please enter the following information to join our database of suppliers of direct, indirect or tooling material.

  • Company information (name, location, phone, turn)
  • Contact information (name, telephone, e-mail, position)
  • Type of service or product (list of representative products)
  • Option to upload company presentation

Direct Department

Application Form Supplier Contact - Direct

Indirect Department

Application Form Supplier Contact - Indirect

Tooling Department

Application Form Supplier Contact - Tooling

Consultation and download of documents

Select the required option.